Wednesday, April 8, 2009

On Blogging

*this is merely an introduction/explanation as to why I have started blogging. Future blogs will not necessarily provide a breakdown of my thought processes*

I’ve been playing around with the idea of starting my own blog for a while but for one reason or another I had just never been motivated to take that first step (isn’t that always the hardest part?) Sure I spent endless hours talking about how I want to get back into the habit of writing on a regular basis (what better way than blogging) but on the heels of that came the thought: what am I going to write about? I had this idea that I would first come up with a theme. I could write about travel plans, review books, movies, or restaurants, about things that bother me or prompt deep thought. Anything really, as long as it all ties together neatly. What I didn’t want to do was spend endless hours writing about my every detailed thought. After all, some things are better left unsaid and unwritten. But I realize that that’s more idealistic than realistic and that I am putting unnecessary constraints on myself. And what about the time commitment it takes to maintain a blog? Well, it seems I have the time now and when I don’t, I will have to make time. How else will I get into the habit of writing regularly?

Even after having worked through these seeming obstacles I hesitated. But after having one of my friends tell me “you should write about that” for what seems like the hundreth time regarding another of my sometimes crazy/sometimes mundane experiences, something stuck. And now that I’ve started, any topic is fair game, as long as it interests me.

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