Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed a shift in my mood from solemn and somewhat depressed to happy and uplifted. It’s true that I’ve been a bit more proactive and I’m setting plans in motion to do things I’ve always wanted to do but nothing to account for such an abrupt change. So where is this coming from? Some might call it moodiness but I know it is more than that and as I was walking to an appointment earlier today, I found what I now know to be part of the answer. Spring is here! The sun is out, there’s a cool breeze in the air and I’m feeling good. I could feel the stress and exhaustion melting away to be replace by thoughts of just how beautiful it is outside. And I wasn’t alone. I could feel the happiness radiating from the people I passed. Further, I know that the lovely weather is part of the reason why I feel so good because once I returned indoors, although my good mood did not completely disappear, it dissipated. What it is about the weather that can cause us to cast off our gloominess just from the feel of a light breeze and the touch of sunlight on our face? I don’t have an answer for this (I’ll leave that to the scientists to figure out) but I’m going to enjoy this great weather and this happy feeling for as long as it lasts.
Cheers to that! It's just been a long uneventful winter...at least for me, and I think the new weather brings with it new possibilities;-)