Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Double Down: Here's to Your Health!

With construction for a new KFC currently underway in my neighborhood, I have a bit of interest in the goings on of this fast food chain. This bit of news that I’m about to share with you is slightly old but still timely. Apparently, KFC is premiering a new bun-less sandwich on April 12th called the double down (see images here). Now a bun-less sandwich sounds healthy, right? After all, you're cutting out the waist-busting carbs. Not this sandwich, never mind the grilled option. I love bacon but slapping a few pieces of pork and cheese between two pieces of fried/grilled chicken breast does not a sandwich make! This combo cannot be good for anyone! From where I stand, it seems like the double down (specifically the fried option) was especially designed to clog the arteries and induce a heart attack. And it’s true what they say, you are what you eat. Beware of the double down!

I feel queasy just thinking about this sandwich. Does this sound appetizing to anyone?


  1. just looking at it turns my stomach! I would hope no one substitutes this as a meal, especially for kids!

  2. Good point- kids love to eat everything that's not good for them. It's seems that food in general become unhealthier with every generation. Shameful.


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