This post is dedicated to the “friends” (and I use this term loosely) who have yet to show my blog some love, consistent love. It’s been around for two months now and I’m still hearing excuses about computer problems, losing the link, not having access to the site at work, too much work. All BS! I’m not writing a book here! It only takes a quick few minutes to see what the heck is on my mind on any given day. I’d pay your blog the same courtesy, if you had one. And yes, there are some days when I have nothing I really want to talk about and I throw something up anyway. I’ll excuse you on those occasions but can you at least meet me halfway and at least skim a few posts so that when I ask if you’ve checked out my blog yet I won’t have to think along these lines? I’m really thinking about cutting you all off completely but I don’t think you’d notice even that. I know my blog is not for everyone and yes you might even find it boring but when I told you that I was going to do this and then sent you the link didn’t you think I would want your support? I mean,
I read it but do I have to be the only one? I thought we were better than that. All these years you’ve known me, I’ve kept in touch with you through time and space and still you disappoint me this way. I really have to start shifting my priorities because obviously, my blog isn’t anywhere on your list. I realize that I am coming off as whiny but you have driven me to this point. And yes, I do realize that my plan to shame you into showing the blog some love is pointless since you don’t read it and won’t know I posted this but I will make sure you get this note. Happy Friday!
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