Friday, February 18, 2011

Random Gripes: Sweet Dreams?

I had a dream about (rapper) Drake. I don’t remember specific details about the dream but I do remember it being along the lines of one of those Disney movies where a “celebrity” slips into a small town to hide out under the cover of dark and encounters the female lead (me, of course) and leaves a lasting impression. I also remember that I was competing for his attention with the town hoochie and trying not to be too obvious about it. And, the other woman seemed to be winning although, like those Disney movies, I’m sure that I would have persevered in the end (if only I had gotten to the end of my dream). Of course, it wasn’t all cookie-cutter. There were some unsavory bits but I’ll leave those where they belong. Moving on…

I’m not above having dreams but more often than not my feet are firmly planted in reality. Therefore, I’m having a somewhat difficult time trying to wrap my head around why I’m even thinking about Drake and about what it might say about me. I won’t necessarily hit the mute button when his songs play on the radio but I’m not much of a fan of his music either (too one-note for me). And, I don’t find him particularly attractive and have never thought much of him. So why was he in my dreams? It’s entirely possible that I was in a semi-conscious state and fabricated a story in my head (too bad I can never hold onto them long enough to write them down) but how this one came to be…I may never know.
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