Since joining the group a few months ago, I’ve only managed to make it to two events spread months apart. The most recent event consisted of live music, free appetizers and chocolate. How could I pass that up? This time around, I sent out my own invitations and T. accepted and came along. Now, my friend T. is a flirt. It’s a fact as I know it. She calls it being nice and friendly but I know better. Even though I don’t usually have opportunities to see her in action, I’ve read some of the exchanges that she’s had with members of the opposite sex. Maybe I should be taking lessons from her…but in any case, the girl got skills! At the event, I don’t think it was so much her skills as it was her radiant personality (:-) that had the weirdest guy in the building beeming in on her and latching on as if for dear life!
Mr. Weirdo approached our group with a cheesy “Hey, hey. How you doing?” and proceeded to place his hand on T.’s shoulder and shift her so that he could eyeball the area where her nametag was attached. Above her chest. Not cool! If that were me, the evening might have taken a different turn but T. and I operate differently when faced with situations like this one. So while I tuned him out and returned to my pleasant conversation, she smiled and engaged in polite conversation with Mr. Weirdo. Big mistake! When T. threw out a Hail Mary and tried to engage others in their conversation, Mr. Weirdo wasn’t having it. He kept talking to T. Only. And when she excused herself to use the restroom, he hung around the area looking around, not engaging with others and presumably waiting for her return. And when she tried to keep a low profile and hide behind others, he ferreted her out and asked her where she’d been. When she dared to engage in other conversations, he continually stuck his head in and tried to draw away her attention. But by this point, T. had her blinders on and he was on permanent ignore. Finally, as we were wrapping up our conversations on the sidewalk before heading home, we noted Mr. Weirdo’s exit and saw that he hovered where we stood for a minute before continuing on his way. Whew! As annoying as he might have been, I gained immense pleasure from watching all this. But T. probably was not as amused. Hopefully, she won’t run into him at any future events. Happy Friday!